Changes in European Patent Office fees

Changes in European Patent Office fees

EPO or the European Patent Organization is an intergovernmental organization created in 1977. It's headquarters are located in Munich, Germany and its sub offices in Vienna, Austria and in Brussels, Belgium.

This organization offers inventors and researchers a uniform procedure which enables them to seek patent protection in up to 44 countries.  For more information on the countries covered refer to FAQ's section

With all the international inflation pressures even the The European Patent Office (EPO), announced in January that the official fees will increase by around 2-3%. The decision relating to the increase is CA/D 13/21 which was issued by the Administrative Council of 15 December 2021 and published in the January 2022 EPO official gazette. 

To all patent holders out there, pay attention to fee increases as we are expecting this and other pressures to have a ripple effect on official fees internationally

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